Capacity building

Training which works

Training packages designed specifically for community organisations

Book a meeting to plan your training

How we can help

Group workshops

Sometimes, you just need to get everyone in a room.

The DigiKick group workshops will come to you and deliver practical and fun 2.5 hour workshop to up to 12 people.

Each workshops includes a downloadable guide or worksheet and  2 weeks free access to the DigiQuick online training platform for every participant.

Some workshop topics include:

  • Spreadsheets
  • Marketing
  • Office365

The investment for a group workshop is £749

1-1 support days

Do some of your organisations need focused, specific support?

DigiKick's 1-1 support is bespoke to each organisation we work with.

The support we can provide is very varied but can include:

  •  Setting up social media pages
  •  Designing data gathering and reporting tools
  •  Developing template marketing materials for an organisation

The investment for 1-1 support is £199 per hour

Get back to the work you love

If your job is to support community organisations, that is what you should be doing.

You shouldn't have to spend your time nagging organisations for funding reports or seeing groups fail because they can't advertise.

Book a meeting to plan your training

Let us help

Imagine a world where all your energy could go into providing the amazing, individualised support you got into the job to do. 


Having run our own community organisation since 2017, we know how to support community groups.


There's nothing worse than going to a workshop and learning nothing.

We will teach skills your groups can use.


No two communities are the same.

We will shape any training to meet the needs of your community groups.


Many people in community organisations feel nervous about learning new things.

Our friendly teaching style will help them feel confident

How it works

01 Book a meeting

Let us know your availability and we will book a virtual meeting at a time that works for you.

02 Tell us about your community

We will plan your training around you and your community groups.

03 See success

We will come and run the training support, your groups will have a fantastic time and learn useful skills.

You will be a hero!

Would you like some more information?

Get the information packet to find out how we can support your community organisations.

Get the information pack
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